AGMEMOD Network meeting

The AGMEMOD network met in an online meeting for an informal exchange about ongoing activities on October 29, 2024. The participants presented their newest developments and studies with AGMEMOD. The focus was on outlook projections for Croatia, Hungary, Argentina, Ukraine, and China as well as general developments in AGMEMOD and the presentation of current EU-Horizon projects with AGMEMOD involvement. The AGMEMOD network showed its internationality with 27 participants from 10 countries.

OverviewPicture Web


AGMEMOD Training 2023

From 20 to 24 November, the "AGMEMOD Training 2023" was hosted by the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig. 23 participants were intensively trained in the application of the AGMEMOD model for making projections of agricultural and food markets and for policy impact assessment.

The AGMEMOD model has been used for more than 20 years to project future developments on the agricultural and food markets. It is also used to analyse the effects of policy changes. There is great interest in this tool, as the number of participants in the AGMEMOD Training 2023 shows. In total, 23 participants from 12 countries attended the event and received intensive training from the AGMEMOD teams of the Thünen Institute and Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR). Additional financial support was provided by the EU projects BrightSpace  and Tools4CAP.
The programme offered something for everybody: the basics of using the AGMEMOD model were explained, as well as tips and tricks for advanced users, and the latest model developments were presented. The opportunities for informal discussions and networking were well received, leading to the conclusion: "It's better in person!"


AGMEMOD group meeting ‘Latest AGMEMOD developments and applications’, November 23rd 2022, online

Workshop on ‘Model-based assessment of the CAP Strategic Plans and beyond’, September 13th 2022, Brussels

AGMEMOD Training from June 20th to June 24th 2022

AGMEMOD Summer School 2021 from September 13th to September 17th

Workshop on ‘Agricultural Market Outlook for Western Balkan Europe’ 5th May 2021, virtual workshop.

Workshop on ‘Agricultural Market Outlook for Europe’ September 2020, virtual workshop.

Workshop on ‘Agricultural Market Outlook for Europe’ March 2020, Brussels